Explore projects
pdn-certic / Opentheso2
Otherweb-based thesaurus management tool dedicated to the management of vocabularies.
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MPica / conde-tools
Creative Commons Zero v1.0 UniversalDocumentation and scripts of the ConDÉ project, description and step-by-step for eventual additional tasks on the ConDÉ corpus.
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Olivier Le Monnier / Pages pour LPASRSI
MIT LicensePages Gitla pour les étudiants de licence professionelle ASRSI de l'IUT Grand Ouest Normandie à l'antenne de Ifs (Campus 3) du pôle de Caen
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Germain Clavier / Flame
GNU General Public License v3.0 or laterFlame is supposed to end up in a library that makes interacting with LAMMPS files easier in Rust
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Germain Clavier / pizza
GNU General Public License v2.0 or laterPizza.py is a loosely integrated collection of tools written in Python, many of which provide pre- and post-processing capability for the LAMMPS molecular dynamics package.
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certic / jama-presentation
MIT LicenseUpdated -
L'ensemble des fichiers texte contenant par jour et par mois les mots recherchés dans le DES depuis janvier 2019
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Gitlab containing the scripts needed to extract chromatophores from a sequence of images. They include a high-throughput image analysis soft-ware able to overcome various constraints such as the overlap of chromatophores or the movement of the skin This work was carried out in the framework of the interreg France (Channel Manche) England: REDPOL project.