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  • Joel Alarcón's avatar
    * feat: new Ubuntu Bionic ISOs · 3fc7e7c5
    Joel Alarcón authored
    issue #709
    * 709_bionic: feat: new Lubuntu Bionic ISOs
    issue #709
    * 709_bionic: feat: new Xubuntu Bionic ISOs issue #709
    * 709_bionic: feat: Added Bionic's XMLs and volumes. issue #706
    * 709_bionic: fix: Added cdrom controller. issue #709.
    * Change this
    for this
    * 709_bionic: feat: new Kubuntu Bionic ISOs. issue #709.
    * 709_bionic: fix: new xml for 32 bit bionic machines. issue #709
    * replaced kubuntu by bionic
    * 709_bionic: fix: new xml for Bionic 32 bits. issue #709
    * Changing architecture and machine type
    issue #709
    * 709_bionic: fix: Changes to both bionic xml. issue #709.
    * Changing HDD IDE to VirtIO in Bionic 32 and 64 bits
    issue #709
    * fix(iso): SWAP volume appears as VDA
    When adding the new disk, it hunts for firs free slot.
    As slot 5 was not in use, as in other XMLs, it is chosen.
    issue #709