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  • sikeda's avatar
    [*change] Reformatting Perl sources using perltidy, · 9da4473e
    sikeda authored
    except: src/lib/, src/lib/ and files under ext/.
    Additionally reparing long comment lines.
    Used configuration for perltidy (.perltidyrc) is approximately:
    ------------ >8 ------------ >8 ------------ >8 ------------
    # Differences from PBP are marked *.
    -bar   # Opening brace always on right (* no)
    -bbt=1 # Medium block brace tightness
    -bt=2  # Strong brace tightness (* 1)
    -ce    # Cuddled else (* no)
    -cti=0 # No extra indentation for closing brackets
    -i=4   # Indent level is 4 cols
    -ci=4  # Continuation indent is 4 cols
    -l=78  # Max line witdh is 78 cols
    -nolc  # Don't outdent long comments (* -olc)
    -nolq  # Don't outdent long quoted strings
    -nsbl  # No opening sub brace on new line (* -sbl)
    -nsfs  # No space before semicolons
    -pt=2  # Strong parenthesis tightness (* 1)
    -sbcp='#' # Don't format non-static block comments automatically (* '##')
    -sbt=2 # Strong square bracket tightness (* 1)
    -se    # Errors to STDERR
    #-st   # Output t...